09 July 2006


(Representin' the 'nard once more in SoCal)

Presently, I've yet to discern the strangeness that is the Washington DC highway system. The multitude of left-lane exists, coupled with the absolute mystery of the 50MPH speed limit have left me somewhat wary of bringing my California Beast to the DC area. Thankfully, I believe that event will have to wait until next year, since, just like the rest of DC, parking is forbidden for first years.

I'm sorry you all missed my wondrous graduation party down here. It would have truly been a great way for us to finish. We hired a private taqueria to make food for us for about 7 hours... need I say more?

For those that may be planning some cross country trips: If able, take JetBlue to your destination. It may not be the fanciest ride, but being distracted by two hours watching a Hyena documentary on my own DirectTV set in my seat can definitely come in handy.

I hope to see you all more sometime soon. My room is rather empty, and while I enjoy the many conversations I've had with a few of you so far on AIM, it is no match for the sounds (and bleeps) of real-life. I suggest we all buy a Wii when it comes out in order to keep the mighty Smash alive.

Of course, I'll keep y'all posted when I actually find a place to live in DC, until then Go Apple (even with their illegal stock handlings).


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