So this is what you do with a BA in English
I'm waiting on replies to job apps--2 English-tutor positions in Japan, 3 in Singapore, and 1 absolutely enchanting job (also in Japan) combining the duties of a language instructor, bartender, and geisha. It's been nearly a week now! I hope tomorrow (Monday) will bring some news.
Since I'll be home for some time, I decided to clean my room, an activity always fraught with high-potential disasters. It's akin to graverobbing, and who knows what frightful ghosts might be released, what unhappy phantoms resummoned. The juvenilia is always the most hazardous matter: either one is pleasantly surprised at the powers of former selves, or one cringes at their artlessness. Metaphysical poetry at 13? Surely you jest.
I wasn't entirely sure what to do with interdisciplinary materials either: imaginative history of the Indus Valley? S-shaped and radial chromatograms on M&M colouring chemicals? In the end my heuristic was generous. I kept most of it, despite the cringing. And for my generosity, I have been rewarded with gems like this (I think it was an exercise in identity-realisation, or some such bullshit):

Incontrovertible proof of at least one point of consistency (take note, Govind)! There, in my uncertain cursive, is scrawled the name of that vilest weed, "parsley." As for my favourite--"grilled eel," while still a strong contender, now has to share the rostrum with many other frutti del mare, not to mention other unmentionables...
Speaking of food, I had a brief moment of reverie a few days ago when, as I was spreading Nutella on toast at breakfast, I saw 2 ants anxiously scurrying across the tablecloth. I half-expected Theresa to come bounding up the stairs, ant-traps in tow and ready to be hurled at the ants like ninja stars... but of course there were only my parents, ever imperturbable, ever insouciant. So I lightly crushed the ants, balled them up between thumb and middle finger, and gracefully, graciously defenestrated them.
When I saw that picture, I thought it was part of your application to be an english tutor. "Good God!" I thought. What ridiculously delightful questions to ask on an application for work. I almost fell out of my chair with that thought.
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